Monday, June 13, 2005

moldy yogurt

First thing this morning - soy latte, topped with a little cinnamon and sugar, in the "girl" mug I bought at Superstore yesterday.

Breakfast - a banana, eaten while the milk was steaming, and a couple spoons of what turned out to be molding yogurt (blech), straight out of the container.

Coffee break, at my desk - drip coffee (not the good stuff), with evaporated milk and a bit of brown sugar, and a couple energy pucks from yesterday.

Snack 1, at my desk - the last of the baby carrots, dipped in mustard. Lunch, at my desk - ancient grains bread with mustard, mayo, a boiled egg, and a generous sprinkling of salt.

Snack 2, at my desk - another banana.

Snack 3, at my desk (holy crap I need to get out more) - golden delicious apple, from last week's Healthy Living fair. S

nack 4, still at my desk, 2 seaweed crackers from Annie. If they're Annie's, do they count?

Snack 5, desk, the second slice of ancient grains bread (that I was saving for tomorrow so I wouldn't have to toast some more, is that lazy or what). Skipped the egg this time, just ripped the bread apart and dipped it in mustard. Zingy!

It's now 4:53 p.m., no chocolate or cake today so far (has to be some sort of record), and I have sucessfully resisted the mini ice cream sandwiches stashed in the freezer.


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